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A perfect combination of strength, flexibility and balance.
Elke maandag om 19u15 door Agata. 
Class teached in English.

If you are looking for a dynamic and energetic class, then Dynamic Yoga is the perfect choice! 


Dynamic yoga is a perfect combination of strength, flexibility and balance. During this practice we will move through the different poses (asanas), paying attention to our breathing. Some of the poses we will hold for a few breaths and some of them we will dynamically move in flow of the music.

Our whole body will be engaged – neck, shoulders, back, core, arms and legs. This practise has a lot of benefits for our body and mind:
•    improves strength and mobility
•    helps with concentration
•    improves quality of life
•    improves breathing
•    promotes sleep quality
•    relieves anxiety
•    decreases stress
If you are looking for a dynamic and energetic class, then Dynamic Yoga is the perfect choice! 

Looking forward to meet you on the mat! 

in deze Dynamic Yoga les ligt de nadruk op het verstevigen van jouw lichaam door de dynamisch op elkaar volgende poses.  Dit versterkt niet alleen jouw lichaam maar reduceert ook stress en brengt rust.
Door deze les regelmatig te volgen, verstevig je je lichaam en jouw beweeglijkheid met aandacht voor rust en balans.

Leuk detail! Class is teached in English and with music-  zeer toegankelijk en eenvoudig Engels! 
De lessen zijn voor elk niveau.


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